Mandatory Band Camp Schedule For The 2025 Marching Band Season
Band Camp is CLOSED CAMPUS. You may NOT leave during the day or for lunch, dinner, or any other time, for any reason. Non-band students are not allowed to eat with you or hangout at the school during this time.
Sign up to feed the band during Band Camp
Monday, July 28 - Friday, August 1, Colorguard 9am - 4pm, Percussion 4pm - 9pm. All times are required for any student in Colorguard, Battery Percussion, or Front Ensemble Percussion.
Tuesday, July 29 - 6pm - 9pm, Brass and Woodwind Pre-Camp, OHS Band Room -
REQUIRED for all woodwind and brass players.
Wednesday, July 30, 6pm – 9pm – Freshman Basics, Session 1. ALL freshmen, new OHS students,
Drum Majors, and section leaders need to attend. Percussion and Color Guard freshmen do NOT need to
Thursday, July 31 -- 6pm - 9pm, Brass and Woodwind Pre-camp continues, OHS Band Room -
REQUIRED for all woodwind and brass players. EVERYONE except Colorguard.
Saturday, August 2, 9am - 12pm, Freshman Basics session 2 – same members as before including
Percussion (Battery and Front Ensemble) and Colorguard Freshmen.
Monday, August 4 – Friday, August 8. FULL BAND CAMP 9am - 9pm entire time is required for ALL band members.
Monday, August 11 and Tuesday, August 12 — Full Marching Band Rehearsals, 9am -
** Additional practices are still TBD. ** Plan on activities (rehearsals and/or competitions) every Saturday beginning September 6
and ending October 25. Not every weekend will have events, but please leave them open as it is too early to
know which competitions will be when.
The OHS Band Room is the meeting place for all activities this week. We START at the times listed, so please be early.
Colorguard, the school is providing lunch for free, but please be sure to bring snacks and lots of water and Gatorade.
Percussion, the school is providing dinner for you but also bring snacks, water, and Gatorade.
Bring sunblock!!
Be sure to bring your MARCHING instruments. Tubas, Baritones, etc, you may keep your marching instruments here at school and leave your concert instrument at home to practice on.
Very excited to see all of you this week!
Eyes with Pride, OMB!
****Uniform Fittings (Very Important!!)********:
July 28 (Mon.) Drumline and Front Ensemble 3:00pm - 4:00pm
July 29 (Tues.) Senior Band Members 4:00pm - 4:30pm
July 29 (Tues.) Junior Band Members 4:30pm - 5:55pm
July 31 (Thurs.)Sophomore Band Members 3:00pm - 4:30pm
July 31 (Thurs.) Freshman Band Members 4:30pm - 5:55pm
***Times are still tentative and may change.
School Year Events:
September 5 (Fri.) Football Game Performance (Berrien Springs) 3:00pm (Section and Full Band Pictures) Dinner will be provided by band boosters for a small cost
September 12 (Fri.) Football Game Performance (Three Rivers) 4:45pm October 3 (Fri.) Football Game Performance (Vicksburg) 5:30pm October 17 (Fri.) Football Game Performance (Sturgis) 5:30pm