The OHS Premier Symphonic Band, showcases musical talents within an esteemed ensemble. Our rigorous practices focus on the mastery of challenging music, scales, and exercises. As a member, you'll have the opportunity to participate in a range of performances including Pep Band, Jazz Band (by audition) and Solo and Ensemble Festival. We take pride in our participation in the State Band Festival, and we invite you to join us on our professional journey.
Concert Band
Concert Band membership is contingent upon successful completion of MS Band, 6-8 Grades and Marching Band 1st Trimester. Throughout 2nd and 3rd Trimesters, the entirety of the year-long class commitment is fulfilled. In class, the Concert Band focuses on intermediate fundamentals, scales, and exercises while performing intermediate music. Membership in the Concert Band provides opportunities to audition for the Jazz Band and participate in Solo and Ensemble festival, as well as the option to join the Pep Band.
Schedule of Events - Winter 2024/25
December 5 (Thurs) Holiday Extravaganza Concert w/MS Bands 7:00pm December 7 (Sat.) Otsego Hometown Christmas Parade 6:00pm February 1 (Sat.) MSBOA District Solo and Ensemble Festival ALL DAY REQUIRED event @Battle Creek Lakeview HS
February 16 (Sun.) Pre-Festival “Sunday Spectacular” Concert 6:00pm
February 25,26,27, 28(Tues, Wed, Thurs,Fri) MSBOA District 10 Band Festival Time and Location TBA ***Keep all Days OPEN***
March 15 (Sat.) MSBOA State Solo and Ensemble Festival ALL DAY
Location TBA
April 17 (Thurs.) State Festival Night Rehearsal 7:30pm-9:00pm April 23 & 24 MSBOA State Band Festival (Weds. and Thurs.) Time TBA
Hosting @ Otsego HS!! Leave Both Days OPEN
April 28 (Mon.) Collage Concert Night Rehearsal 1 7:00pm - 9:00pm April 30 (Wed.) Collage Concert Night Rehearsal 2 7:00pm - 9:00pm May 1 (Thurs.) Collage Concert 38 7:00pm May 6 (Tues.) Band Awards Night (required for ALL) 7:00pm May 16(Fri.) Jazz in the Park (TOP Pavilion) Jazz Band only 7:00pm May 20 (Tues.) Swingout Performance 1:00pm
May 21 (Wed.) Graduation Performance 7:00pm May 26 (Mon.) Memorial Day Parade (no seniors) meet at 7:45am
Performance at 9:30am