

The Otsego Bulldog Marching Band is a curricular class offered during the 1st Trimester, combined with either Concert or Symphonic Band for the 2nd and 3rd Trimesters, fulfilling the "entire year" class commitment. The Marching Band has required practices during the summer, evenings, and weekends. Our official season runs from the end of July through the end of October. The Otsego Marching Band is a competing band in the West Michigan Scholastic MB Circuit. The group performs in select local parades, OHS varsity football games, and pep assemblies. Additional performances may be added depending on the need. Our goal is to be an integral part of the school, serving as the heartbeat of the community during athletic events.

2023 OMB Fun Facts

Hastings Invitational: 1st place in Class B, caption awards for Best Music, Best Marching, Best Percussion, and Best Color Guard. 87.9

Grandville Invitational (Indoors due to rain): 1st place in Class B, caption awards for Best Music, and Best Percussion (only captions available). GRAND CHAMPION! 56.9/60

Vicksburg Invitational: 1st place in Class B, caption awards for Best Music, Best Marching, Best Best Percussion, and Best Color Guard. 88.3

Jenison Invitational (Indoors due to rain): 1st place in Class B, caption awards for Best Music, and Best Percussion. GRAND CHAMPION! 56.1/60

East Kentwood Invitational: 2nd place in Class B (by 0.7!), caption awards for Best Music, and Best Colorguard. 89.8

*Colorguard was UNDEFEATED. Second year in a row and second time in school history!

* 2 Grand Championships


for a complete schedule see the available dowload below

September 6 (Fri.) Football Game Performance (Hackett) 4:30pm (approx.)
September 9 (Mon.) Allegan Fair Parade 5:00pm (approx.)
September 13 (Fri.) Homecoming Parade 4:00pm meet (app)
September 13 (Fri.) Football Game Performance(Vicksburg HC)5:00pm Pre Game
September 21 (Sat.) Portage Central Invitational Time TBA - Eve.
September 28 (Sat.) Creative Arts Parade 12:45pm perform
September 28 (Sat.) Otsego Band Invitational ALL DAY(perform approx. 8pm)
October 4 (Fri.) Football Game Performance (Sturgis)(PG) 6:00pm (approx.)
October 5 (Sat.) Hastings Invitational Time TBA - Eve.
October 12 (Sat.) Vicksburg Invitational Time TBA - Late afternoon/Eve.
October 18 (Fri.) Football Game Performance (Paw Paw) 6:00pm (approx.)
****Doubleheader Competitions!****
October 19 (Sat.) Grandville and E. Kentwood Invites Time TBA-late AM-Eve
December 7 (Sat.) Otsego Hometown Christmas Parade 6:00pm

Otsego Bands are Directed By:

Mitchell R Piersma

Jessica Grove