Remind is a communication tool used by the Otsego Public Schools and Band Directors to allow subscribers to sign up to receive updates in the format that they prefer (text or email). The Band Directors communicate through OHS Band Parents. The Band Boosters communicate through OHS Band Boosters (for high school students) and OMS Band Boosters (for middle school students). If you would like to be sent reminders about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, click the Remind logo to sign up and subscribe.
From the 'Home' page, click 'Join' in the upper right corner. Then click 'Join for Free.' When prompted, enter your name & email address and then create a password. It's just that simple! From your account you can view sign ups that you've been invited to and sign ups that you've already signed up for.
If you already have a Sign Up Genius account that you're using for Otsego Athletics or any other group or organization you do NOT need to create another account.
One account is all that is needed to use the service.
As we create sign up sheets you'll receive an email inviting you to sign up. When you get these messages you'll just click the links in the message and you can sign up for the shift, food donation, activity or event we're posting. If we have multiple sign ups available you'll see them in your "sign ups you've been invited to" listing on your account page. You'll also see any other events you've been invited to by other groups using this service.